What's On This CD? | Installation | Using the Web Demo Interface | Credits

Note: This is the rough version of introductory page for the new version of the O2 Demo CD to be released with Kudzu. This document may change before release.

Welcome to the O2 Demo CD version 1.3. This CD contains demos highlighting the power and ease of use of the O2 workstation, and demo scripts walking you through the O2's web-infused Irix Desktop, bundled media tools and OutOfBox Experience. The demos and scripts must be installed onto the O2's hard drive, but many of the demos can be previewed by playing movies directly off of the CDROM.

For more O2 information, visit Silicon Surf at http://www.sgi.com/Products/hardware/desktop.

What's On This CD?

Below you will find brief descriptions of the demos contained on the CD. Click the movie preview icons to see MPEG clips of the demo. See below for installation instructions.

Movie Preview
  Alias | Wavefront Reel A high-quality JPEG movie file depicting exceptional uses of Alias|Wavefront products
  Birth of O2 Demonstrates the use of the web when integrated into the CAD manufacturing environment using the O2 as a case study  
Chrome Skins CAD data of the O2, textured with a high-quality environment map
DM TexCube Digital Media Textured Cube - live video, movies and running programs texture mapped onto the side of a cube
  DVE Player DVE_Player illustrates O2's ability to use live video or movie files as textures and environment maps on keyframed animations to produce near real-time digital video effects.  
  Dynamic Surfaces 3D Molecular Surface Simulation  
  Egghead Shred Visual simulation of a skiing egg. Courtesy Paradigm Simulation
  FacePuzzle FacePuzzle uses O2's video and texture mapping capabilities to take a classic puzzle to a whole new dimension
  GIS Drilling 3D volume visualization showing underground oil deposits  
  Huge Engine Model 110,0000 polygon 3D model of a Porche engine  
Living O2 Interactive 3D, VRML 2.0 web-based demo showing the features of the O2
  O2 Assembly MPEG movie clips depicting the O2's modular design and ease of assembly  
  O2 OutOfBox Experience Script Step-by-step instructions on accessing the hottest areas in the O2 OutOfBox Experience. Includes navigation hints and tips, as well as behind-the-scenes information regarding the making of the OutOfBox Experience  
Performer Town Classic SGI drive-through of a fully texture mapped virtual farm town
Plant Walkthrough Real-time walk-through of a processing plant. Courtesy of CAD Centre  
  Premiere Demo Script A script to learn and demo Adobe Premiere.  
  Projected Textures Projected texture maps used to simulate a slide projector and spot light  
Roam Pan, zoom, and rotate large images in real time, as well as perform real-time image processing operations
Ultrasound A simulation of the O2 as an embedded medical imaging machine
  Uro Man Real-time visualization of human torso and urinary tract. Courtesy of High Techsplanations  
UW Camera 44,000 polygon model of the Katz underwater Camera.
Video Distort Live video texture mapped onto a springy sheet of rubber
Video Image Processing Hardware accelerated image processing functions applied to live incoming video
Volume Rendering Primer Information on how to do volume rendering using 2D texture maps on an O2  
  whackAMartian Whack-A-Martian lets you drive the Mars lander and protect humanity from scary green monsters.  

Also included on this CD:

Source Code Readme
Source code for many of the demos are included on this CD.
Digital Media Libraries (libdmu)
Libraries used by some of the demos on this CD.
Code used to develop DMBuffer demos.
Patch 1759
Desktop bug fix.


The demos must be installed onto the hard drive using Software Manager:

Using the Web Demo Interface

To access the demos installed on your O2 use the Web Demo Interface. To start the interface, from the Toolchest found on the Desktop, choose the Find menu and select Demos, the fourth entry. This will start Netscape NavigatorTM with the web-based demo interface. Alternatively, if logged in as the user Demos, there is a web jumper on the desktop labeled StartDemos. Double click this icon to start the interface.

Once the interface has started, press the Custom button on the bottom toolbar to see a list of the O2-specific demos.

More help on the web demo interface can be accessed by pressing the Help button on the bottom toolbar.


Many people helped in the production of this CD. Many others worked on the creation of the demos - please see the information page for each individual demo.

The production team included:

Created by     Dean Hodgkinson
Nancy Louie
Eric DeBolle
Nate Orman
Manager Anne Eagle

Artwork and HTML Design Nate Orman

Production Lorin Kennedy

Thanks to those who helped
out on previous versions.
Alison Chandless
Brett Butterfield
Jennifer Fleming
David Walford
Ben Pappas
Diana Starr
Steve Proffitt
Patrick Tickle
Sam Chen
Ed Allard
Kevin Brunner
Tim Davison
Howard Look